Conference presentations

Dumay, X. & Sorensen, T. (2018). The teaching professions in the context of europeanisation and globalisation: a systematic literature review. Symposium “Teachers in the context of globalisation: prospects for an expanding field”. ECER European Conference in Educational Research (Bolzano, September 2018).

Sorensen, T.B. (2018). The cultural political economy of the OECD TALIS programme. ECER European Conference in Educational Research (Bolzano, September 2018).

Voisin, A. (2018). How are teachers’ careers regulated? A typology of career management models and their link with the status of the teaching profession, teacher segregation and mobility using TALIS 2013 data. ECER European Conference in Educational Research (Bolzano, September 2018).

Voisin, A. & Dumay, X. (2018). Diversité des conditions d’exercice et statut de la profession enseignante – perspective internationale. Colloque International en Éducation – CRIFPE (Montréal, May 2018).

Sorensen, T.B. (2018). What are the implications of personalizing learning for the future of public education in our global culture of competitive comparison? Twin Peaks Research Summit (Banff, April 2018).

Sorensen, T.B. & Dumay, X. (2018). The teaching professions and knowledge exchange in the context of globalization. Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Eductation Society (CIES) (Mexico City, March 2018).

Voisin, A. (2018). Accountability and its consequences. A comparative study of the impact of accountability policies on effectiveness and equity in education systems of Europe and Canada. Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Eductation Society (CIES) (Mexico City, March 2018).

Sorensen, T.B. (2018). The teaching professions in the context of globalisation: A systematic literature review. University of Cambridge, Culture, Politics and Social Justice Academic Seminar (Cambridge, February 2018). Link:

Sorensen, T.B. Teacher appraisal and feedback: The practical argumentation of the OECD, the World Bank, and the European Commission. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2017, San Antonio, 27 April – 1 May 2017.


Sorensen, T.B. (2018). The possibilities for South-North dialogue in education research. Worlds of Education blog-post. Link: homepage/woe detail/15771/the-possibilities-for-south-north-dialogue-in-education-research-by-tore-bernt-sorensen

Helgetun, J. B., Powell, J. J. W. & Zapp, M. (2018). Governing Educational Research in Norway: Coercion, Cooperation or Consensus? IN Zapp, M., Marques, M. & Powell, J. J. W. (eds) European Educational Research (Re-)Constructed: Institutional Change in Germany, the United Kingdom, Norway, and the European Union. Chapter 4. Oxford, UK: Symposium Books. ISBN 978-1-910744-02-4

Zapp, M, Helgetun J. B., & Powell, J. J. W. (2018) (Re)shaping Educational Research through ‘Programification’: Institutional Expansion, Change, and Translation in Norway. European Journal of Education. 53:202–217. DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12267

Holloway, J., Sorensen, T.B. and Verger, A. (2017). Global perspectives on high-stakes teacher accountability policies: An introduction. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25(85), 1-18.

Robertson, S.L. and Sorensen, T.B. (2017). Global transformations of the state, governance and teachers’ labour: Putting Bernstein’s conceptual grammar to work. European Educational Research Journal, August 2017. doi: 10.1177/1474904117724573

Sorensen, T.B. (2017). Work In Progress: The Political Construction of The OECD Programme Teaching And Learning International Survey. PhD thesis. University of Bristol, Graduate School of Education.

Voisin, A. (2017). Systèmes d’accountability basés sur la performance – types, logiques instrumentales et effets sur l’efficacité et l’équité scolaires des systèmes éducatifs d’Europe et du Canada. Une étude comparative à partir des données PISA 2012. Thèse de doctorat inédite. Université de Montréal.

Sorensen, T.B. and Robertson, S.L. (2017). The OECD program TALIS and framing, measuring and selling quality teacher™. In International Handbook of Teacher Quality and Policy, edited by M. Akiba and G.K. LeTendre, 117-131. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Maroy, C. and Voisin, A. (2017). Think piece on accountability policies. Monitoring and accountability in education – Opportunities, risks and innovations in the post-2015 period. Think piece commissionnée par l’UNESCO Paris pour le Global Education Monitoring Report 2017.

Maroy, C. and Voisin, A. (2017). Accountability. In Dictionnaire de l’éducation, nouvelle édition, A. Van Zanten. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Maroy, C., Mathou, C., Vaillancourt, S. and Voisin, A. (2017). Logique de médiation et co-construction de la gestion axée sur les résultats par les Commissions scolaires québécoises. Mc Gill Journal of Education, 52(1), 93-114.

TeacherTapp Project