How do educational systems regulate the teaching profession and teachers’ work? A typological approach to institutional foundations and models of regulation
How do educational systems regulate the teaching profession and teachers’ work? A typological approach to institutional foundations and models of regulation
A.Voisin – X. Dumay
This cross-national study contributes to the comparative literature on institutional variations in the regulation of the teaching profession by developing a theoretical typology articulated around teacher education, labor market regulation, and the division of labor. Drawing on Freidson’s work on profes- sionalism in the field of sociology of professions, our typology highlights four models of regulation e the ‘market’, the ‘rules’, the ‘training’, and the ‘professional skills’ models. We discuss how these models, embedded in a bureaucratic, market-oriented or professional approach, shape the regulation of the teaching profession and teachers’ work in different contexts.
Teaching and Teacher Education