Reshaping the Teaching Profession: Patterns of Flexibilization, Labor Market Dynamics, and Career Trajectories in England

C. Mathou, M. Sarazin, X. Dumay


This chapter presents an overview of a set of studies conducted in the context of the TeachersCareers project to understand the reshaping of the teaching workforce in England, and the reconfiguration of labor markets for teachers. Studies include interviews with HR and line managers on the flexibilization of HR practices and the labor market; social network analyses of teacher flows between schools in the London labor market to study patterns of teacher mobility; and trajectory analyses based on individual interviews with 47 secondary school teachers. Key results show limited external flexibilization but pervasive forms of internal flexibilization (regarding working time, pay, and job boundaries and workplaces); embedded employment relations into internal labor markets; and a fragmentation of career models and types. Results are discussed in terms of theories of liberalization, professionalism, and the institutional foundations and embeddedness of labor markets for teachers.

In: Menter I. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.